Sunday, August 16, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
The Cat in The Hat
The cat in The Cat in the Hat enjoys to be accompanied by anyone or anything that he finds to be entertaining. His character contributes to the plot and theme of the work through his non-stop imagination and how his character effects the reactions of the characters around him. The cat finds almost anything enjoyable whether the place will be damage to ignoring advice from a fish that has a sense of duty.
There’s no limit to the fun when the cat unleashes himself to bring out his fun whether it’ll be messy or neat. The character of the cat is what brought the story alive past beyond the wildest dreams; he’s the sound maker at a party who turns a boring day into something. The way he talks and thinks is what kept the kids moving into curiosity going from one adventure onto the next; this lead to the mysterious box that would start the journey of fun to responsibility then to lesson learn. The cat in the hat is a cat that enjoys playing around and having some fun, to be let loose and not worry so much about the responsibility at the moment but yet have a point to make after having fun. His personality doesn’t include much thinking instead he’s a spontaneous cat who likes to do things right out of the moment and not think about the consequences of the actions at the moment but to enjoy what will make the day not a boring day. He’s the center of attention and doesn’t hesitate to have any kind of fun.
The actions of the cat are consistently moving and he enjoys the moment. He wears a hat that most people would not consider to put on their cat; something tall, black and white, and a red bow tie that finishes off with white gloves and a pair of black shoes. He’s a cat that shows character with effects on others such as the fish. The fish has a sense of duty and doesn’t like the way the cat messes up the place but when the cat finish cleaning the room, the fish is shown to be satisfied; this tells the audience that the effect of the cat’s character can influence the character of another. What looks the cat gives shows a significant amount of emotion that the audience can know. Though it’s obvious that the cat likes to enjoy himself whether it’s his home or not, the ending shows proof that he loves to have company and there won’t be a frown or disappointment. At the end of the story, his face expression changes when he’s asked to leave. His happy smile that shows he’s enjoying himself turns to a frown when he’s asked to leave with slumped shoulders that show his sad face.
The description of the cat shows the significance of a cat that’s not ordinary but decorated with things that usually humans would wear; this supports the idea that the cat enjoys to be entertained and have company. The thought of not having any responsibilities while having fun shows the character’s personality of just having fun and let loose like a cat when chasing a mouse and the fact that the frown on the cat’s face when asked to leave proves how fun is important to in a cat’s life and to share that fun with others is something a cat would not hesitate to give.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Persepolis Blog 2
Marji’s family is different from others. They stand up for what they believe in and are proud of the things they do. They are a tough family who won’t let anyone look down on them. They believe in their own children and teach their Marji well. The thing that is most important to Marji’s parents is the freedom they have. Marji’s parents wants to have freedom and they fight for there freedom. Marji’s parents try to create the best environment for Marji as best as they could. They encourage Marji to never give up and to always be true to herself. They give Marji freedom, though the countries they live in don’t allow them much freedom. The strength they have comes from the life they have been living in. They take there experience and learn from it and try to stay as strong as they could.
The role for the women is that they are to wear the veil and have less of freedom. Women don’t have much freedom and are force to do things they don’t wish to do. Marji, her mother, and her grandmother play a role that is different from the other women. They fight for what is right and treat each one of there family member equally. Marji’s school teachers are to teach the kids to exactly what is to the government. The maid is a lower class that is to clean the rich people’s houses and chores. I think to myself of our role. We are to cook, clean, and be home most of the time. But then sometimes we don’t do the role that we are suppose to do.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Though the citizens of Iran face oppressive regime, they still had time to have fun and laugh. Some people, like Marji’s people, would have parties sometimes even though they were not allowed to. Marji would go and buy things, such as cassettes and listen to them. The Iran people wouldn’t care if they got caught, they would risk their life anyway and do what is fun for them. The things that made me laugh was How Satrapi add comic relief was her pictures and Marji. The way she drew her pictures shows us or gives us an idea of how it was like when reading the text. And when I read the text and look at the picture, I see funny expressions. These scenes help gives us an idea of what Satrapi is saying. It gives us pictures.
Some captivity in the story that Satrapi gives is that the women had to wear the veil. If they did not wear it, then they would be punish. Boys and girls could not go to the same school. Men had to grow mustache or a beard. They could not go out of there country unless they were given the permission to a passport. Cassettes were banded. Parties were no longer able to be held. Everything that was fun was gone. The only freedom they had, was that boys and girls could still go to school, women could still go out, wear whatever they want, if only they had the veil to cover the whole body. The thing that keeps them from being free is the army or the person who is in charge of country. They change the world and the people to do what they ask of and so the people would over power those who rebel against. But still, the people still try to live as id nothing has happened. But they would take the risk of putting their life in danger. Do things without the people knowing and would have to try to be slick. They rebel against the rule of not having parties, cassettes, clothes they wear. All this is just like our society today. We have freedom, but only as in state freedom. Not freedom as in with family. You can’t date, you must be this, and you have to act like this, no! You cannot dye your hair; wear clothes that are below your knee, no shorts, and on and on and on. Our own identity is chosen for us. We can’t do or be what we want to be. I mean, just doing it in a good way, it’s still not good or ok for them.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Feed Project
Like the media, consumerism, reliance on technology, and popular culture personality. And having all of those in my everyday life could be affective. There what we need everyday in our life and for us to be entertained and because we’re just lazy and need things to help us. Like technology. We use technology every time. There are cars, computer, our MP3, games like the Wii and the X box, and the list goes on and on. Media, consumerism reliance on technology, and popular culture personality mold us and we also mold them. But it began with them. They were the start that molded us. People began to invent, create. And build things cause its there passion. Once people began to get into it, the world began to build, create, and invent things that would lower us to them. To want to buy what they have to offer to us. Even for me I can’t stop liking what I see. I have to want and use it everyday of my life. The feed in the book cannot be resist. There is no way. The people in there have been living with it ever since they were born. It’s what the need to survive. The feed is like you heart, your lungs, or you brain. Without them, you cannot live. Your body won’t work anymore. You take it out and you’re completely dead because the feed to them is what keeps them to be smart. (I don’t mean smart as in educational smart.) An example would be Titus. He needed the feed to help him get a word to describe how violet is like. The people don’t go out and shop much. All they do is, “oh, I like that. Feed, I want it.” And it comes to your house. Violet. At the end, she didn’t want to die. She needed the feed. But sadly she didn’t get one and died. There life is evolving around the feed. Without it, they are nothing.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
visual Essay - Feed

Thursday, April 30, 2009
Feed Blog 2

Parents buy their kids many things, little things and other times…nothing at all. When Titus, the “Rich” boy was given an upcar by his parents, boy, wasn’t he just the happiest man alive. He couldn’t believe that he was finally getting a car. He although reminded me of myself. When he said, “…Are you kidding! You are like the best mom and dad ever!” (p.118). When my parents gave me something that I had wanted, I would say pretty much almost the same thing to my parents too. But…when I think about it, I only say it when they give me a gift that makes you go, “OMGenius! Really!? For me!?” But at other times when you they give you something small as a shirt. Would you still be saying the same thing to them as you did before? It’s a no huh? I thought so. We only appreciate our parents when they give us something cool and expensive. So for Titus…he would be the same.
The quote, “We enter a time of calamity” (p.38), was at first confusing to me. But after reading it over and figuring out what calamity means, to my opinion, what I think the old man means is that the world is getting more destroy and corrupted. Just right before that quote came up; they were describing how these teenagers were at the club. “Women grinning, women oiling men with their fingertips, women taking out their teeth…” (p.38). Teens are just out of control. Think about it. If you were a parent, and you saw your child doing that, wouldn’t you think that you have enter in a time of calamity? Everything wasn’t how it used to be back then for the old man. All these teens could think about is SEX, SEX, SEX. Which is the same in our society today. Advertisements are rooting for sex, TV is saying that it’s ok…everything of the media is all about “sex is ok to do!” DISGUSTING!!!
Boring…We all say that all the time. My boyfriend and his brothers say it all the time. It’s really lame of them because they don’t do anything to entertain their self. For Titus, he found that the picture on the wall was boring. Why? Because he couldn’t find anything interesting about it and there was nothing that was about to happen or had just happened. It shows that Titus doesn’t think of what a pictures meaning is. Titus doesn’t take the time to think about the picture, showing that he doesn’t take the time to think. He also does not understand. We all know that a picture always have a meaning behind it. And Titus, he doesn’t even take the time to look at it carefully and give it a thought. He’s not patient person and person who judge a book by its cover.
The dead language…Violet’s dad probably still want to study it because he doesn’t want to let the dead language go. It was part of his life and he doesn’t want to lose what was passing down from life back then. Just like us. You don’t want to let go of something precious you have kept for a long time, so you keep it and treasure it. Just like Violets dad. People now a day in the “feed” would don’t use it anymore. And maybe Violet’s dad have hopes that maybe one day, the feed will be destroyed and Violets dad comes to the rescue to teach the people the dead language.
I think why the author dedicated the book to those who resist the feed was because the feed is like the technologies that are being use today in our society. There are people out there that don’t like what is happening with the world now. With the new high tech and stuff. So he is giving this book to the people, saying that “This is for you.” The Feed in out word today is the movies, technology, TV shows. Can they be resisted? Back then probably they can. But till to now, in not shape or form of way can it not be resisted. People would die without it. Go insane because the Feed, (according to us) is what society relies on. It’s part of their life. You can’t take something away from a person and expect them to get over it. It would take years, months, and days. Ways I say I resist the feed to I try not to get into with it. I stay away from technology as possible, occupy myself with after school activities, or…do things without the feed, it’s really hard, but when the more I try, the tiring I get of the Feed. It’s like; I’ll never have enough satisfaction with the things given to me by the Feed.
Monday, April 27, 2009
There names…They are very interesting. The author picks out the name perfectly for them. Titus, who sounds like the high respected man who is just neutral. Link, who is obviously connected to Abe. Lincoln. His colon. So that’s not so hard to figure out. Violet, who just sounds like the “Nancy Drew” girl. Who goes around investigating the truth. Like that girl in the book “Series of the Unfortunate Event. “ The girl violet in that movie that is just so smart in figuring things out. There is Marty, whose name perfectly matches a jock. Which is what Marty is, a jock, and it also match him as a total idiot. Calista, which of course, sounds totally like a bitchy name. The mean girl who is stuck up and we would say, the lead of a group of girls, looking for trouble. Quendy, sounds like a follower. Which she is, always following Calista. Then there is Loga. The boring girl who just doesn’t care much. Makes me wonder why Titus even went out with her in the first place. LOL! I’m joking. There name shows how they are and who they are. It’s their identity.
The function of the feed. Now that is just to much to handle. All these things, advertising, talking, etc…so annoying. It’s like, something or someone is slamming things that you don’t need right at your face. I can’t even take my siblings loudness, so just having this feed thing into my brains, being on 24/7, I will totally go insane. Possibility I would suicide. But I wont…The feed telling us words when we can’t figure out one. “The feed suggested supple” (p.11). For me, it sounds like; they can’t make any new technology, besides this stupid feed chip. Advertisings, words, peoples voice in front of their face, ears, whatever it may be. This whole thing reminds me of Wall-E. Where the people live and rely so much on technology, but in feed it’s the feed chip itself. In Feed, Titus was like, “You write…with a pen” (p.65). It’s like, writing and a pen doesn’t exist. Like in Wall-E, Earth didn’t exist. Then when Quendy and Calista was m chating to each other when they are next to each other. And in Wall-E, the people were just chatting to other people who are in the same area as they are. Gosh they are all FREAKEN LAZY people. Lazy than I am. (I would say).
There trends. “Quendy and Loga went off to the bathroom because hairstyles have changed” (p.20). It tells that trend is a very important thing. They must have the newest look and everything. It’s sooooooooo lame. It would just then be like, everybody is everybody. Same look, same style, same everything. Like the world. They must buy this and that to keep up with everybody. Like Quendy and Loga. They keep up with the trend, but the thing is, who notices it? Who cares of how good looking the “NEW” trend is. When it comes to your own kind of style, I say that’s when others notice you more. Besides, “Oh, that style, seen it, done it, been there.”
This book reminds me a lot about life. Mine, families, friends. When Titus was checking out Violet, as what I would say, it reminds me of my boyfriend. (We won’t go into details about that.) Also that when Titus, quote “I tried to tell myself that being here was nor re: sleeping but…(p.9) Just reminds me also of how I complain so much about being somewhere where I don’t to be and I remind myself that it’s not about me only. I must do it for the sake of whoever I am doing for. But basically…I think the Feed thingy ma bob is really STUPID! So full of…CRAZINESS….